Go to Videos and Reviews link for more
GSMA Presents
Prof. John Shipley
Sensei of the Koshinkan from Fallon, Nevada USA
Web Classes and
Katana Demo
GSMA Presents
Prof. Mil Dhond
Sensei of
Green Valley Kodenkan
In Cordelia, California USA
Volume level may be high adjust your sound level down first
GSMA Presents
Prof. Gustavo Sanchez
Sensei of
Bushindo Ju-jitsu Ecuador
Prof. Steve McLaughlin bio
and article
When should I strike
when should I throw
Bushidokan Martial Arts
1990's demo Asian Festival
Sparks, Nevada
Part 1 and Part 2
Introduction to
Golden Sage Restorative Massage
GSMA Web Class
Tools for challenging times
Physical and Mental Fitness
Low impact
Taichi Qigong
Shibashi with annotations
Plus far eastern Philosophy
Shaolin Qigong 15 Minute Daily Routine
Prof Sig Kufferath Class and
rolls & falls by
Sensei Duane Sheely
TAOISM | The Philosophy Of Flow
TAOISM | The Power of Letting Go
GSMA Web Class
Old Master &
tough younger guy
10th Degree Kodokan Black Belt Kyuzo Mifune
Master Musa Muhammad
Beginning Martial Art Self-Defense
Web Class
Esoteric Principles of Dan Zan Ryu of the Kodenkan Golden Sage Martial Arts goal and self-defense philosophy
Uke Te, Atemi,
and Keri Te
GSMA Web Class
Yawara and Tessen history and tools for
Awesome Demo - Traditional Aiki Jujutsu - Fudoshin ryu
This Explains That by Prof. Bob Karnes Teaching DanZan Ryu Zenyo Bujutsu
US Military
hand to hand combat old video
Bushidokan Federation
Mission Statement
Kitō ryū 起倒流 is a traditional school koryū
What is Jujitsu and more
From one of my teachers
written by
Prof. Steve McLaughlin
Bushidokan Demo Teams from early 2000
Woman's Assault Prevention Seminar Arts, Demo of martial art Ladies, Yasu Nage,
and DZR Video
Bo-Long 6' Staff, Hanbo, and Bokken Katas
From Jujitsu America
Bio of
Prof. John Chow-Hoon
GSMA Web Class
Introduction to Chinese Medicine and
Philosophy 1
GSMA Web Class
Introduction to Chinese Medicine and
Philosophy 2
From my Manual
Martial Arts Kata and Beyond Part 3
GSMA web class
Alicia, Sensei
Lu Jung warm up
Tai Chi 24 Form
Slow Motion with Instructions
from Peter Chin
Go to
GSMA Student Resource Videos Page
for more classes
Koshinkan 29th School Anniversary Black Belts teach one technique as per our event tradition
Part 1
Koshinkan Event Part 2
Koshinkan event Part 3